DEMO: DEAD PANIC! (Happy Hallowe’en!)

TUESDAY, Oct. 31       4 – 8 pm

In Dead Panic, each player takes on the role of one of eight unique characters, which have special abilities. Players work together to survive in a remote cabin, at the center of the board, against waves of the undead that close in from the edges of the board. If the players can hold out, survivors bring pieces of the radio needed to call for rescue. Once rescue arrives, it’s up to each player to leave the safety of the cabin and make it out alive!

To fight the zombies, players use cabin cards, some of which are weapons that help players attack zombies at a distance or in hand-to-hand combat. If characters take too many injuries during combat, they die and return to the game as a zombie with customized rules as a member of the undead! Other cabin cards are items, which give the players various benefits and a better chance at survival. The supply of items and weapons is limited, however. Once the cabin deck is exhausted, it is not reshuffled. A separate deck of cards, called event cards, allow the zombies to have their turn. This deck not only brings a variety of zombies into play but each card also has a special effect when drawn.

Can you survive Dead Panic?

DEMO: One Night Ultimate Werewolf

Sunday, Oct. 29    Noon – 5 pm

DEMO: MYSTIC VALE, Meet the Artist!

SATURDAY, Oct. 28        Noon – ?


Join Artist Kali Fitzgerald in playing this “Card Crafting” game meaning you not only build your deck, but build the individual cards in your deck, customizing each card’s abilities to exactly the strategy you want to follow.  In Mystic Vale, 2 to 4 players take on the role of druidic clans trying to cleanse the curse upon the land. Each turn, you play cards into your field to gain powerful advancements and useful vale cards. Use your power wisely, or decay will end your turn prematurely. Score the most victory points to win the game!

Vale of the Wild expansion adds a large variety of new advancement and vale cards to the base Mystic Vale game. Players can start the game with new leader cards in their deck. Leaders grant abilities that can be upgraded to become even more powerful! New eclipse advancements may be covered by another advancement and still add its ability to the card, offering greater flexibility to craft cards and enhance powerful combos.

DEMO: Werewords

Saturday, Oct. 28        Noon – 5 pm

In Werewords, players guess a secret word by asking “yes” or “no” questions. Figure out the magic word before time is up, and you win! However, one of the players is secretly a werewolf who is not only working against you, but also knows the word. If you don’t guess the word in time, you can still win by identifying the werewolf!

To help you out, one player is the Seer, who knows the word but must not to be too obvious when helping you figure it out; if the word is guessed, the werewolf can pull out a win by identifying the Seer!

A free iOS/Android app provides thousands of words in hundreds of categories at various difficulty levels, so everyone can play


SATURDAY, Oct. 21       10 am

Must play casters from the ADR.   No painting requirement.

  FOR MORE INFO:  Championship Event

DEMO: Munchkin Rick & Morty

SATURDAY, Oct. 14         Noon – 5 pm

Munchkin: Rick and Morty, a standalone Munchkin game, fuses the classic card game fun of monster-slaying and role-playing with cyborgs, aliens, and demons from the popular television series Rick And Morty.  Play as Rick, Morty, Beth, Jerry, Summer, or Mr. Poopybutthole to defeat the greatest adversaries in the Rick and Morty universe and become the hero as you reach Level 10 for the win.

DEMO: Thorny Wench Games

Saturday, Oct. 14      3 – 5 pm

Thorny Wench Games will be here to teach and play their card and board games.  Please note age guidelines.
                                                                           DRAGOONIUM (2-9 players ages 12 and up)                                                                  When you play Dragoonium you take on the role of one of the great champions of the Realms. Each of these champions brings its own unique set of powers and resources. Inspired by many classic card games of yesteryear and combined with fantastical flavoring and style, Dragoonium is a game adults can interest both their teenagers and parents in playing. It is a different game each time, as the cards played with are dependant on the chosen champions. Almost 200 unique cards and 9 different champions, creates versatility and several strategic playing styles. Can you devise the best strategy with the available pool of cards to conquer your opponent? Which Champion will you bring to the table?
                                                         CORRUPTION (2-5 players ages 14 and up)                                                                             Corruption will strike the fancy of political passionates! As a major global organization, nothing stands in the way of unlimited profits, except…a few government regulations. Use your vast wealth and influence to bend politicians to your will. Buy, bribe, cheat, steal and undermine your opponents as you try to gain the most profits. Using political antics and schemes, players will compete to influence the passing of bills, votes and ensure their favorite politicians are elected. No matter your political stances and differences, all parties will agree this is a fun game!
                                                                STELLAR EXPRESS (2-5 players ages 14 and up)                                                                     You are a trader for a vast planetary network in a distant solar system. Gather the resources you need to complete a goal, take it to the assigned planet, get paid. Simple, yes? It would be, but the solar system actually revolves each turn, creating an engaging and fast-paced quest for each player to embark! Keep tabs on the elaborate orbits and fictitious set of planets before you run out of fuel, resources or encounter another character that may get in your way


SUNDAY, OCT. 1          1 – 4 pm

Meet other word game enthusiasts to play games old and new!

Quiddler  …  Royalty  …   Scrabble  …  Paperback  …  Boggle  …  Word Savvy  …  Bananagrams  …  bring YOUR favorite!

                                  This is a new game session scheduled to meet regularly                                                                         on the FIRST Sunday of every month.



SUNDAY, OCT. 1   Noon – 5 pm

       Flip City: Wilderness  can be played by itself or combined with the                       original hit micro-deckbuilding game, Flip City.

The citizens of Flip City want to get away from it all. It’s up to you to develop the perfect retreat. But be careful, develop too quickly and it will feel too much like home!

In this deck-building game, you have no hand at all; instead, you play cards directly from the top of your deck. Winning requires delicate strategies…and some luck as well!!


FRIDAY, Sep. 29     6 pm


$16 entry gets you 3 packs to draft and 2 packs go into the prize pool. Each player KEEPS the rares they draft! Events are reported so you get whatever participation points with Wizards of the Coast Organized Play program that they award.