MONDAY, Sep 5    10am – 3 pm

… and the staff  volunteered, so please don’t tar and feather

the Boss Lady for making them labor on Labor Day.


Saturday, Sep. 3     10 am – 4 pm

                                                  Shop our semi-annual “Let-Us-Be-Your-Garage-Sale” SALE.                                                   Most items are gently used and ALL are priced to GO!

Come early for the best deals.


Saturday, Sep 3     Noon – 5 pm

Stay alive, gain a fortune…

Dead Last  is a “social collusion” game of shifting alliances, betrayals, and murder for profit in which players must conspire and vote upon whom to kill each round. Any means of overt or covert communication is allowed — a glance, a nod, pointing under the table, flashing a card, anything – but make sure you don’t tip off the target or they could ambush you instead! In the end, one or two players will remain, either claiming all the gold or squaring off in a final showdown before starting the next round of play. The first player to score 24 points of gold wins.


SATURDAY, Aug. 27      1 – 5 pm

                       Learn & play the Marvel and/or Nightmare Before Christmas editions of the                             “KILL THE MONSTERS … STEAL THE TREASURE … STAB YOUR BUDDY” game



SATURDAY, AUG 27       Noon- 3 pm

Dragoonium is a new strategic card game,  created right here in Madison!   The structure is                 most similar to that of Rummy yet combines fantasy themes and advanced, original strategy.

Thorny Wench is a new Madison-based game studio which was launched during the brainstorming of Dragoonium. We already are constructing and brainstorming the blueprints of several other designs for fresh and entertaining board and card games. Please view our Facebook page:



AUG. 26-28    at the Madison Marriott West

Geek.Kon is Madison Wisconsin’s very own anime convention, sci-fi convention, and gaming convention all rolled into one! As the name implies, Geek.Kon is a place to celebrate all that is geeky like anime, science fiction, video gaming, tabletop gaming, and costuming.

From Lord of the Rings to Doctor Who, Mario to Solid Snake, Geek.Kon covers it all.

AND  Pegasus Games will be in the thick of it in the Dealer Room AND in the tabletop gaming room.

For more information, go to


SATURDAY, Aug. 20           TIME TBA

75 pt Steamroller Event

DEMO: Dastardly Dirigibles

SATURDAY, AUG. 13     Noon – 5 pm

Professor Phineas Edmund Hornswoggle, famed airship builder, is retiring and you are an engineer competing to inherit the Hornswoggle factory!

Dastardly Dirigibles features tarot-sized cards that are played in a constant action format in which each time a part is added, ALL players MUST add the SAME part – which may replace an existing one. Build your airship from different parts of nine beautiful suits, while also using special cards to your advantage or to thwart your opponents. The round ends when the first airship is complete — but you score only the suit used most in your airship. The player with the highest score after three rounds wins!



SATURDAY, AUG. 13       Noon – ?

About a month after a new set of cards is released and a week after the world’s best players showcase the  set’s possibilities at the Pro Tour, players turn out to participating WPN locations and put their decks to the test at Game Day.

It’s a Standard event with rewards provided by Wizards of the Coast, including alternate-art, full-art promo cards and an exclusive Champion playmat for the winner.


Sunday, July 31             Noon – 5 pm