Your goal is to hurl Monsters, Loot, and Mischief cards at your opponent until they have taken damage equal to or greater than their life. Meanwhile you also must protect yourself with Loot, Allies, and the occasional well-timed Run Away.

At the heart of the game is the unique bluffing mechanic which you’ll use to hire Monsters to your cause. Because would it be a Munchkin-style game if there was no cheating? This is a game where a good poker face can be as important as a good hand.
PLEASE CONTACT PEGASUS AT to pre-register for the event.

Put Munchkin CCG Launch in the subject line, please!



Open to all, the name was chosen by the current configuration of gamers, who are all retirees.

Drop in, bring your favorite board/card game(s), or borrow one of our demo games.

Pega-Minions can often be bribed (or bullied) into  teaching new games.

There is an email list to discuss game(s) to play and who is or isn’t coming on a given date, if you care to be in-the-know.



SATURDAY, Mar. 3         Doors at 10, dice at 11

Totally and completely normal Steamroller event:  75 point, SR2017.

$10 entry. 4 round cap.
Message Rick Way your email address to pre-register at FB EVENT
We will be space limited (things start getting really cozy once we get over 20) so please pre-reg early and if you registered but aren’t going to be able to make it, let him or Pegasus know!
There will be a raffle for playing a fully painted army, having all models from both lists arc marked, and for being pre-registered.


SATURDAY, Feb. 24            2 –  5 pm

Description:  One of the Boss Lady’s Favorite Games of Yore is coming back!!!

And YOU can come play it BEFORE it is released!

Placement of buildings on gridded city blocks depends on the cards you hold …

AND your position relative to the board. Can you plan to build the most and/or tallest buildings with the cards you get?

AND YOU GET TO STACK 3D BULDINGS!   You owe it to yourself to come in and try it.



SUNDAY, Feb. 11           Noon – 5 pm

Can you secure more treasure from the Hoard of the sleeping dragon than your fellow-adventurers? Can you defend yourself from their attacks and perhaps perpetrate a few of your own? And can you end the hunt at the most opportune time, perhaps by actually wakening the fearsome beast?

Hoard is a dynamic game of hand management, set collection, and press-your-luck. Each turn players take one of four possible actions: 1) roll a custom die and move to take a new card, 2) secure a set of treasures or add to an existing set to score points, 3) affect the dragon, who wakes in stages from his tail to his head, by playing cards that soothe or rouse him, or 4) use a sword on an opponent or capture a used sword with a shield. The board is composed of 12 facedown cards surrounding the dragon. It changes as players remove and replace the cards.

Hoard is made by Cheeky Parrot Games.


SATURDAY, JAN. 27          Noon – 5 pm

Doodle Rush is a fast-paced party game that will keep you on your toes for the whole time.

In each game, each player receives two cards with total of six words that the player has to draw. The game consists of six 1-minute rounds: three drawing rounds and three guessing rounds, which are interchanged. In the drawing rounds, the players try to draw as many of their words as possible, whereas in the guessing rounds they try to correctly guess other player drawings and want their own ones to be guessed.

Everyone plays at the same time, therefore the gameplay is very active and you have to be quick and attentive. In the end, the player with the most points (drawings that they guessed + their own drawings that were guessed by others) wins.


SUNDAY, JAN. 28         1 – 5 pm

A representative of Steve Jackson Games, the lovely and talented Phil will introduce us to the upcoming Munchkin Collectible Card Game. 

THERE ARE ONLY 12 SEATS FOR PLAYERS IN THE GAME(S)., and they are filled.  Alternates have  also signed up.  BUT!  Spectators are encouraged,  and though there is no guarantee that spectators will get any swag, SJ Games is usually pret-ty generous!


SATURDAY, JAN. 27     Time TBA

Details also TBA.

Soon, I hope.


THURSDAY, JAN. 25      5:30 pm

Learn and play First Martians, built on the core of the award-winning Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island, First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet pits players against the hostile Martian environment and a whole host of new adventures and challenges.  The immersion experience is further enhanced with an integrated app that maintains the balance and challenge throughout.  Players have the option of taking on the design as a series of separate games, in a custom campaign mode (like in Legacy games) in which each successive game builds on the last, or even an Open World mode in which they are free to roam about the Martian surface and explore for as long as they can survive.


SUNDAY, Jan. 21         12 Noon – 4 pm

Entry: $30.00    Each participant will receive a special Prerelease box containing a 22-card Ultra-Prism pack to provide a solid foundation, plus four 10-card booster packs and an exclusive foil promo card. Players will use the cards from their Prerelease box, plus basic Energy cards provided by the Tournament Organizer, to build a 40-card deck.   We will play 3 rounds lasting 20 minutes each after players build their decks.

After the tournament, all players will receive 3 more booster packs.                                                             After the main event, we will have a $5 Standard Format League Challenge
