WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29          1-4 pm

Geezer Gamers (formerly WednesDAY Gamers) meets Wednesday afternoons, intended for shift workers, retirees, and other stay-at-home types.  TODAY the designer of Flag Dash will be on hand to teach his upcoming game Gearworks.

Gearworks is a Steampunk-themed strategy card game featuring card placement, hand management, and a “twist” on area control. Strategically position your gears to fix a mysterious clockwork machine in the corner of the workshop.


SATURDAY, Nov. 25         10 am – 8 pm

Show small, local businesses you value them; SHOP SMALL TODAY!

THIS small, local business has been here for YOU for over 37 years!  You support us with your patronage; today we will support you with DOUBLE  POINTS on your Loyalty Card.

Don’t have a Loyalty Card?  GET ONE!  It’s easy, FREE, and anonymous, so we won’t sell your info to anyone, not even oursleves!  We load 1 point* on your card for every dollar you spend with us**; every increment of 200 points may be redeemed for a $15 credit on a future purchase.  It’s our way to say both “Thank You” and “Don’t forget to come back!”

  •  * Some days offer double points for specific games;the list is on the front page of our website
  • ** We don’t give points for consignment items like single Magic cards, novels we have, a few more

FNM: Explorers of Ixalan Tournament

FRIDAY, Nov. 24    6 pm

This is a NEW format for using Magic cards in a 4-person game.

$16 entry; 4 person games; Decks will be distributed randomly for each game;

Each player keeps the deck they played; Winner get the “guts” of the game.




FRIDAY, Nov. 24       6 AM – 10 AM

Join us for our version of an early morning doorbuster sale, the “WE’RE OPEN SO EARLY WE’RE STILL IN OUR PAJAMAS SALE” during the 4 hours before our usual opening time!   We WILL still be in our pajamas, and shoppers wearing pajamas* will get 25% OFF  their entire** purchase!  Shoppers too shy to join the fun will still get 10% OFF for joining us at these ungodly hours (at least for gamers).

Everything goes back to normal at 10 AM, though shoppers already in line will get to check out with the appropriate SALE terms.

  • * Note that we said wearing pajamas, NOT what you do or don’t sleep in.
  • ** The requisite exclusions:  consignment items like single Magic cards and most novels, and already discounted items.






THURSDAY, Nov. 23            10 am – 10 pm

Nothing to read here, other than our wish of a lovely time with your family of choice today.  Remember to get to bed early to join us for our version of an EARLY doorbuster sale, the “WE’RE OPEN SO EARLY WE’RE STILL IN OUR PAJAMAS SALE” tomorrow during the 4 hours before our usual opening time!



SATURDAY, Nov. 11     10 am – 5 pm

$15 entry.  That’s all we know at press time.

Tournament will actually take place in an empty storefront down

the mall from Pegasus at 6632 Odana Road (the former Take & Bake space).



SATURDAY – SUNDAY,     Nov 11, 10 am –  Nov 12, 10 am

                            This marathon D&D game will raise money for the                                      Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

There’s nothing more satisfying than playing D&D to raise money for kids. 2017 is going to be WotC’s fourth year bringing the D&D community together to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. With the help of their amazing community of DMs, players, donors, and viewers, they raised over $74,000 last year. And since 2013 they’ve raised an astounding $290,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals!

                   Our players will include 1 or more sacrificial PEGA-Minions and many other                                      compassionate role-players and DMs.



DEMO: Batman Miniatures 2E by Knight Models

FRIDAY, Nov. 10          6 – 9 pm

Knight Models is delighted to announce the arrival of the 2nd Edition Batman Miniature Game rules.
This free downloadable PDF rulebook is the culmination of thousands of games, and feedback from our customers.

Fear not: it has street-level strategic action in Gotham’s darkened alleyways, with streamlined mechanics, more intuitive rules, and with even more fun, AND we’ve consolidated a lot of hard-to- find rules and Traits into one mighty tome. We think players new and old will love it!

But that’s not all –  The launch of the new edition is spearheaded by brand new miniatures, representing the pinnacle of our studio’s output. The new models are produced in high-quality, colored resin. Knight Models was founded on a love of display-quality models, and we think painters and modelers will agree that these new miniatures are the best we’ve ever produced.


SUNDAY, Nov. 5     1 – 4 pm

New to our “regular” schedule, meeting the FIRST SUNDAY every month.  Join other word game enthusiasts to play old favorites and, hopefully, something new to you!



FRIDAY – SUNDAY, Nov. 3 – 5

Gamehole Con is the largest tabletop gaming convention in the upper Midwest.

 Gamehole Con is all about tabletop gaming and all the fun that goes with it. The convention features role-playing games, board games, fantasy and historical miniature gaming, and collectible card games.  And Pegasus will have a booth in the Dealer Room, which is open Friday, 10 – 6; Saturday 10 – 6; and Sunday 10 – 4.

BONUS:  Con attendees will get a discount at the store with their con badge through 8 pm on Sunday.

For more information: